you asked me once if i could even imagine
our lives if not together
so i tried

i started with the morning
  i would rise with the sun
    and follow its fingers
      and you would be there
        coffee in hand
          third cat of three
            warmer than the window light

so i imagined midday
  alone, head down
    adrift in the fog
      and you would be there
        "chin up" you'd say
          framed in the doorway
            i'd have a light to follow

then, the evening
  i would rest, at last
    and forget myself
      hours would pass
        my time would grow short
          and i would despair

            but you would be there

              that evening
                and the morning
                  and midday
                    and evening again
                        i could not imagine anything different


page of a notebook with messy handwriting

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